Source code for uredis_modular.connection

from .client import Client

[docs]class Connection(Client):
[docs] def auth(self, password): # pragma: no cover """ Authenticate to the server Parameters ---------- password : str The password to authenticate with """ return self.execute_command('AUTH', password)
[docs] def echo(self, *args): """Echo the given string Parameters ---------- message : str The string to echo """ return self.execute_command('ECHO', *args)
[docs] def ping(self, *args): """Ping the server""" try: result = self.execute_command('PING', *args) except: result = None if result == b'PONG': return True return False
[docs] def select(self, *args): # pragma: no cover """ Change the selected database Parameters ---------- index : int The redis database number to switch to """ return self.execute_command('SELECT', *args)
[docs] def quit(self, *args): """Close the connection""" return self.execute_command('QUIT', *args)